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Bringing together hearts and minds to create a book which will be sold to raise awareness and funds for farmers and their communities who need the hat passed around right now.

Marshmallow Slice
30 minutes
from my Mum
Base == 4ozs Butter 4 ozs Sugar Van. Ess . 1 Egg 8 ozs S/R flour
Marshmallow === 2 Desertspoons Gelatine 1 cup Cold Water 1 Cup Sugar 1 Egg White 1 Cup Icing Sugar
Bake about 30 mins.
Soften Gelatine in Cold water --- add Sugar , & boil for 8 mins . Cool .
Beat eggwhite stiff, fold in icing sugar , then slowly poor in cooled Gelatine . Beat until white & thick ! ( I sometimes have added pink coloring .)
Spread on cooked !! shortcake immediately Ice with Choc Icing when set .
It is just as nice without the icing, sprinkle with coconut.
Annie Croft
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