Bringing together hearts and minds to create a book which will be sold to raise awareness and funds for farmers and their communities who need the hat passed around right now.

Welcome To Old Fashioned Australian Remedies, Recipes & Reminders
A collection of memories created by a collection of memorable people, that is really what this book is. We are asking for contributions of remedies, recipes & reminders that we can put together and create a book. Then we want to sell that book to raise awareness and money for farming communities. This is our way of saying thank you to our farming communities and we support you in these tough times.
Send your remedy, recipe or reminder to:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/365938103577456/
Email: oldfashionedrrr@gmail.com

Those favourites that your family has enjoyed for years, we'd love to hear about them.

Ever shared a memory over a cuppa? Share it with us.
Send your remedy, recipe or reminder to oldfashionedrrr@gmail.com if you are happy for us to include it in the book to raise awareness and funds for farmers.
Don't forget to have a look at our Facebook page:

Together we can create a wonderful collection of old fashioned remedies, recipes & reminders, send your favourite to oldfashionedrrr@gmail.com or share on our Facebook page.

Money raised from the sale of the book will go to farming families & communities in need. Do you have a prize winning recipe you would like to share with us?

Together we can create a wonderful collection of old fashioned remedies, recipes & reminders, send your favourite to oldfashionedrrr@gmail.com or share on our Facebook page.
I think it would be nice if we could
tell a little story with our recipes,
remedies and reminders. Where it
came from and who used it, the
memories that go with it and so on.
Jenny Todd