Bringing together hearts and minds to create a book which will be sold to raise awareness and funds for farmers and their communities who need the hat passed around right now.

What remedies do you use around the home?
Tell us a story along with the remedy!
Send your remedy to oldfashionedrrr@gmail.com if you are happy for us to include it in the book to raise awareness and funds for farmers.
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Remedies from the farm and garden
Tell us your best tried and true remedies you use on the farm.
Send your remedy to oldfashionedrrr@gmail.com if you are happy for us to include it in the book to raise awareness and funds for farmers.
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Remedies for life
Grandma always had a remedy for everything, but her best was a hug and a laugh. What's your memory? Share it with us.
Send your remedy to oldfashionedrrr@gmail.com if you are happy for us to include it in the book to raise awareness and funds for farmers.
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Remedy For Hand Feeding Calves & Scouring
Annie Croft Jenny, the milk formula may be too rich for them at the moment, so it might be an idea to weaken it a little until they can handle it, it's quite rich and then slowly build up.
Annie Croft And if they are scouring at all, get onto that promptly, that will kill them faster than anything, so hope youve got scourban on hand Gosh bringing back all my memories or feeding poddy calves and lambs too.
Sandra Johnston Grated green apple gone brown for scours???
Belinda Jones What is scouring Annie?
Sandra Johnston Diarrhoea ...
Annie Croft grated apple also good for kiddies with tummy upsets
Sandra Johnston Well lthat's what we used BUT we had an orchard of green cooking apples. works with kids too - peel and grate - leave to brown and solid poo happens. Like humans milk worsens so less milk more water and these days maybe they even use lomotil - they're v small tablets It was 45 years ago when we left the farm...
Alexandra Guild Belinda that's what my mum used to give us as kids but it has to go brown first
Elaine Cheney What wonderful reading these comments have made. The llittle calves and their sick mother have brought so much nostalgia to life. My mother preserved absolutely everything in such quantities that we never seemed to get jam or fruit which had been bottled less than four or five years. She believed in using the older bottles first. We never suffered from any ailments caused by food which today would be well past its use by date. You ladies were right about the tummy stopper-uppers.
Susan Wanmer There is definitely a book in all this.....
Facebook Chatter - a selection of replies, full text can be viewed of Farming In Australia - What EVERYONE needs to know Facebook page.
Just a little trick, when I wash my apron or anything with long ties that get tangled, just gather together and secure with a hair band, no more tangles! :-)